Last month was the SOURCE Boston conference, and I heard it was a great event. Congrats to Stacy Thayer for running a successful conference. For those that weren’t able to attend, they are starting to put the presentations and videos online. Also, AJolly and Cedric Blancher have their pictures online.
I wish I could have attended, but I had a scheduling conflict. Maybe next year. Speaking of next year, they just announced the dates of next year’s event – March 11-13 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston.
Source Boston 2008…
J’ai de nouveau du temps à consacrer à ces lignes, et en particulier à un rapide compte-rendu de la conférence Source Boston qui, comme je vous l’ai dit plus tôt, était excellente. Comme son nom ne l’indique pas, la conférence ne se déroulai…