Hacking Contests

/Hacking Contests

CanSecWest 2010 in Pictures

CanSecWest 2010 banners Tom Gallagher and David Conger from Microsoft talk about distributed file fuzzing and the Microsoft Office 2010 security model.    Some other notes from their talk: Office supports 300 file formats. each can have different sub formats .wpd extension has 3 different parsers. fuzzing surface=huge Microsoft built their own distributed fuzzer system [...]

Week 12 in Review – 2010

Events Related: Security BSides San Francisco and Austin - uncommonsensesecurity.com Reminiscing about past BSides. Pwn2Own 2010 Day 1 Overview - liquidmatrix.org A look back into the events of the first day of Pwn2Own. Outerz0ne 2010 Videos - archive.org Talks from their latest event. Resources: VERIS Incident Classification Mindmap - verizonbusiness.com VERIS employs the A4 Threat [...]

2017-03-12T17:40:13-07:00 March 29th, 2010|Hacking Contests, Security Tools, Vendor News|1 Comment

Week 11 in Review – 2010

Events Related: Belated RSA postings Some last-minute RSA catchups RSA 2010 – Day 1 Metricon - chuvakin.blogspot.com RSA 2010 – Day 2-3 - chuvakin.blogspot.com RSA 2010 – Day 4-5 - chuvakin.blogspot.com Ninja Networks Twitter - twitter.com Follow ninjanetworks @ twitter leading up to and during DEFCON for Ninja badge and event information. Hackers In Japan [...]

Week 9 in Review – 2010

Events Related: ShmooCon 2010 Presentations - shmoocon.org Slides and video from sessions during the DC conference. Some posts related to the RSA Conference RSA 2010 Coverage - novainfosecportal.com Videos from RSA Conference 2010 - rsa.com Some BSides SF posts BSidesSanFrancisco Official Site - securitybsides.org BsidesSF Videos - ustream.com Resources: Verizon Incident Metrics Framework Released - [...]

Week 7 in Review

Events Related: Pwn2Own 2010 Now in its fourth year, the Pwn2Own competition will award up to $100,000 for exploits that successfully penetrate various hardware and software systems. Contest offers $100,000 for smartphone, browser hacks - theregister.co.uk Pwn2Own 2010 - tippingpoint.com Resources: 2010 SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors Released - cgisecurity.com This is a [...]

Week 52 in Review – 2009

Tools: fimap v0.7A Released - security-database.com Tool for determining local and remote file inclusion bugs in webapps updated with show-my-ip, experimental HTTP proxy support and experimental blindmode, among others. Mr-T smbenum and Firefox userprefs - ha.ckers.org An update to the Master Recon Tool was released to include both the default Firefox preferences and the smbenum of Internet [...]

Week 47 in Review – 2009

Events Related: CSAW CTF 2009 - trailofbits.com A set of capture the flag challenges over at NYU-Poly finished its final round on Nov. 13th. OWASP 2009 (AppSecDV) Thoughts - preachsecurity.blogspot.com An look back at the events of the recent security conference SANS WhatWorks in Incident Detection Summit 2009 - eatingsecurity.blogspot.com An announcement on the new [...]