Security Training

/Security Training

Week 46 in Review – 2010

Events Related: The UCSB iCTF - The UCSB International Capture The Flag (also known as the iCTF) is a distributed, wide-area security exercise, whose goal is to test the security skills of the participants. Another #sectorca has come and gone - It just so happens i took quite a few notes this year [...]

Week 45 in Review – 2010

Events Related: HTML5 goodness at BlackHat Abu Dhabi this week - In addition to covering some of the interesting HTML5 attacks already released during 2010 by myself and other researchers, it has two new sections - HTML5 based port scanning and HTML5 Botnets. Resources: Google Hacking Database Reborn - Johnny Long of Hackers [...]

Orlando Security Community

Each week, we'll highlight a major city in the US and cover the places and events you can go to in that area to get your security information fix. This post is part of the information security communities. Disneyland! Well, what else is there in Orlando beside America's flagship theme park? Well infosec, of course. [...]

Week 44 in Review – 2010

Events Related: Getting Into Information Security Intelligence Gathering: A BlueHat v10 Retrospective from Speakers Ian Iftach Amit and Fyodor Yarochkin - Having a chance to share this kind of research and finding like-minded individuals who are busy working the same angles is a real treat, and one of the major quality assurance measures we [...]

Week 43 in Review – 2010

Events Related: ToorCon related news Some Results from the ToorCon Security Conference - Hackers, security researchers at the ToorCon security conference in San Diego showed how easy it can be to poke holes in hardware and software with the right combination of tools, know-how, and good old fashioned cat curiosity. ToorCon: New Apps, Old [...]

Information Security Events for November

. Here are the information security events in North America this month: Government Cyber Security Readiness Summit: November 3 to 5 in Arlington HouSecCon 2010: November 4 in Houston Hackfest 2010: November 5 to 6 in Sainte-Foy Security BSides DFW: November 6 in Dallas Security BSides Delaware: November 6 in New Castle AppSec DC: November [...]

Week 42 in Review – 2010

Events Related: Save the date: 23 & 24 Sept 2011 - For those who like to plan ahead, keep Friday and Saturday 23 & 24 September 2011 free. BSidesOttawa Schedule Confirmed! - BSides Ottawa is fast approaching and today we can share the schedule of superb talks that cover a broad spectrum of [...]

Week 41 in Review – 2010

Events Related: MIRCon, A Look Back I have the good fortune this week of being able to attend Mandiant’s Incident Response Conference (MIRcon) in Alexandria, Virginia, and so far it’s a very good time. Review: Mandiant’s Incident Response Conference (MIRCon) Day 1 - Review: Mandiant’s Incident Response Conference (MIRCon) Day 2 - Some [...]

Week 40 in Review – 2010

Events Related: Ekoparty 2010 Wrap-Up - The reason that Ekoparty is the premier conference in South America can be summed up in one word: collaboration. Metasploit Unleashed, Again! - As new features are being added to the Metasploit Framework, we are attempting to add them to the Wiki in order to keep our [...]