I’m not sure about yourself, but for me I find it hard to consume information from the twitter fire hose which is why they created the lists feature. Looking around there are several lists made for information security only people, but those lists were big and only slightly reduced the noise.
Over the weekend I attempted to replicate my sieve / filtering system on rss sites to twitter and came up 20 or so different lists. This is still a work in progress, but already it has helped me consume information, be aware of conversation, etc. You can see the complete set on Infosec Events twitter lists. To highlight a few of them:
- ISE-Con-Official – For official conference accounts. Usually always on point for their events.
- ISE-Con-Owners – For the conference owners. Since these are the personal accounts, there will be comment bleed here.
- ISE-Groups – This list is for the official accounts of local security groups.
- ISE-Media-Journalists – For the journalists that support media sites. Specific to the information security community.
- ISE-Media-Official – Official accounts of sites that cover information security.
- ISE-Tools-Official – For official security tools accounts.
- ISE-Vend-Executives – This list is for the executives that are a security vendor.
- ISE-Vend-Official – For official accounts of security vendors.
Please note that this is a work in progress. If I missed an account or two, please comment in this thread, tell me which group and twitter handle, and I’ll get it addressed. I hope this is as useful to you as it is to me. Cheers.
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